CVCAN Announces 2020 Cannabis Candidate Forums

CVCAN is proud to announce that they have confirmed every single candidate for each of their upcoming forums!

For the last 3 years, CVCAN has produced Cannabis Candidate Forums for all cities who allow commercial cannabis in their jurisdiction. This year they are thrilled that their forums are sponsored by Global Go, quality Cannabis and Hemp consultants with local offices.

The 2020 CVCAN Canna-Candidate Digital Forums are the best way for you to learn about the candidates running for local City Council and Mayoral seats in the Coachella Valley and how they feel about the cannabis industry.

The Canna-Candidate forums will be held for the cities of Cathedral City, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Desert Hot Springs, and Coachella.

These are free Zoom events and open to all, but registration is required. To register for the candidate forums, head to the CVCAN Events Page and register.

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