As I sit to draft what I would like to be a message of empowerment and strength, a call for unity within the cannabis community and similarly themed rallying points, I am consumed with thoughts of all who are impacted by the fires in Southern California.
The loss of life, property, businesses and so many dreams and aspirations are devastating. As I consider the impact of the fires, I ask myself, what is the point? Why do we do all that we do in our personal and business endeavors just to have them wiped out by a brush stroke?
Perhaps, the answer, fostered by my better angels, is that the human spirit perseveres and is unstoppable. Reflecting on my loss of my home and literally everything I owned in the 2008 Malibu fire, I am reminded that somehow, I got through it. Family, friends, strangers all played a roll. I reflect on the devastation of the Maui fires and note that despite this tragedy, they are getting through it. It is never easy, and it is always permeated with sadness. But I believe the best of us comes through at times like these and we will help those affected get through it too.
As we begin a new year in an industry that is challenged on all fronts every single day, I am reminded of the same human spirit that will persevere. What we do in the cannabis community matters. The investments of time and money and hopes and dreams are important. We can make this a better world. Working together, not against each other, we are unstoppable.

CVCAN is Seeking New Board Members!
Board Members of CVCAN play an active role in the organization and are responsible for, among other things, attending Board Meetings, CVCAN events and programming at least one Event per year. In order to be considered, your organization must by a Gold Member in good standing. We are a working Board! A wonderful way to deepen your engagement in the community.